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Time To Recruit

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Recruiting the right people for your organisation can be costly and time-consuming. It can take considerable time and effort to set up vacancies, assess applications, sift through candidates and then chase up the necessary documentation. Even something as simple as contacting applicants once they’ve applied can slow down the whole process.

Once you’ve chosen your preferred candidate they have to be contacted and your offer accepted. If there have been delays in the process, they may already have chosen an offer from another employer and all your time, effort and the associated costs wasted.

What can slow down the recruitment process?

A slow recruitment process can cause headaches all round. It’s not just an issue for the employer, candidates can also find it frustrating. They may be applying for a number of positions and might be offered a job which is a lower preference while waiting to hear from their preferred position.

The process can be slowed down for any number of reasons. A lot of these reasons will be logistical. The person in charge of recruitment for a particular role may be busy with their day-to-day responsibilities, or the HR department, if you have one, might be at maximum capacity.

Looking through CVs is labour-intensive, particularly if they need to be individually assessed by a number of different people within the organisation. Screening out people who don’t meet the necessary criteria for the role can be relatively easy, but the more nuanced and individual aspects of a CV that make a candidate stand out can be harder to assess.

With the application process in most organisations now being predominantly digital, the pool of potential applicants has increased. If the screening process isn’t effective, this can mean that the application process is slowed down.

Scheduling interviews and managing the paperchase can be time-consuming, with plenty of potential along the way for delays and hold-ups. Good organisation can reduce the risk of significant delays, but all too often unforeseen problems occur.

As well as the risk of losing your preferred candidate to another position, there’s the impact that unfilled vacancies can have on your organisation. After you’ve decided on your chosen candidate and they’ve accepted your offer, there’s still a range of other administrative and screening tasks to go through. You cannot be entirely confident that the person you’ve appointed will be taking up the role until they are in position.

How Recruitment Manager can help

Having the right organisational tools at your disposal can help make the recruitment process more straightforward.

Recruitment Manager makes it easier to attract, identify and then employ the right people for your organisation. It makes your hiring process quick and efficient, enabling you to fill vacancies quickly, grow your business and meet your goals. It also makes it more likely that you secure your first-choice candidate before they have the chance to accept another offer.

Custom application process

No two recruitment processes are the same. They reflect the nature of the particular industry, the requirements of the organisation and the logistics of the recruitment process. Recruitment Manager reflects this diversity by allowing you to build your own custom application process.

By using flows you can create questions, upload documents and create signature forms. It can digitalise a wide range of processes to radically reduce the amount of time spent chasing paper. Recruitment teams then spend less time manually asking for information or documents and use their time to concentrate on other tasks, such as onboarding.

Recruitment teams will be notified by the inbox function when an application has been received, when an upload has been made by an applicant, or essential forms have been submitted.

Recruitment Manager also makes life simpler for applicants. They will see a list of required actions when they enter their application. This means that when recruitment teams pick up an application for the first time, all of the desired information is on hand and easier to review.

Recruitment teams are then able to quickly check through the provided details to make sure they are a suitable candidate for the role. They can then move on to narrowing down their shortlist and arranging interviews or progress to the next stages of the process.

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Want to find out more?

Contact us today to learn more about how Qintil can speed up your recruitment process and to book a free demo.

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